Animal Control Kissimmee Fl Phone Number


Animal Rescue and Care in Osceola County

Adopt a Pet

Give a deserving animal a loving home by adopting from the Osceola County Animal Shelter. Visit the shelter for a variety of cats, dogs, and other furry friends waiting for their forever families.

Request Animal Control

After Hours Emergencies: (863) 401-2226

If you encounter an animal threatening your safety or property, contact Animal Control immediately. They are available 24/7 to respond to emergencies.

Become a Foster

Make a difference in the lives of homeless animals by becoming a foster. Provide temporary care and socialization for animals awaiting adoption.

Contact Animal Control: (863) 577-1762

Bronson Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory

Visit the Bronson Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory for state-of-the-art animal health services. They offer diagnostics and testing for various animal diseases.

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